Nature’s Rhythms

It’s undeniable that there’s interconnectedness between nature & our physiology. Just as the rotation of the Earth shapes our circadian rhythms (sleep-wake cycle), menstrual cycles can synch with the moon.

The average length of a moon cycle is 29.5 days, which closely resembles that of an average menstrual cycle of 28 days.

With each cycle, there are 2 main events -
New Moon + Full Moon
Menstruation + Ovulation

Not all synch up with the moon, but for those who do, this pattern can be seen -
Menstruation around the New Moon
Ovulation around the Full Moon

Based on very small studies done on the topic, it’s been found that “night owls” exposed to artificial light synch less commonly than those living out in rural areas with less light pollution. This is unsurprising, given that we know that artificial light disrupts circadian rhythms, which in turn impacts hormone balance.

Some basic tips -
1. Aim for a regular sleep schedule
2. Ensure your sleep environment is plenty dark
3. Spend 10 minutes each morning in the sun (happy lamp for my PNW friends)
4. Up your time spent in nature

Note: you can still have a perfectly normal and healthy menstrual cycle that doesn’t follow this pattern.

The takeaway is that nature has cycles, and our body has cycles…all which we should honor.


Gut Feelings