Ripple Effect

Thoughts turn into words
Words turn into stories
Stories turn into actions
Actions turn into reality

Whenever I come across this quote, whichever version of it, I find myself doing a mental face palm.

In the years spent all-consumed with ballet, I let my mind become polluted with negative thoughts.

I don’t remember having much awareness of the impact, and certainly was without awareness that I held the power to choose whether those thoughts stayed or went.

Whether in the ballet world or otherwise, we all experience this.

We’re humans, meaning we’re naturally programmed to care what others think about us, or what we think they think of us.

The issue lies in accepting it as truth, letting it sink in & morph our inner thoughts.

All that said, there’s beauty is in knowing that we can free ourselves from the negative thought patterns & self-fabricated stories.

It just takes realizing that we are our own gate keepers. We get to decide what stays and goes, both from the external & internal world.

It’s never too late to dig up your inner garden, to lay down fresh seeds, and to water them with loving thoughts that give way for words, stories, & actions that we’re approving of.


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