Period Goals

I don’t usually like the word “normal”, but in this case it’s helpful for dispelling what many women consider to be normal.

Heavy + painful periods might be your norm (aka what you’ve dealt with since first starting), but in reality they’re anything but. Just because you’re used to dealing with certain symptoms doesn’t mean you’re stuck with them forever! Find a doctor who will identify the cause & offer solutions.

The breakdown of a healthy cycle -

1. Cycles are predictable, occurring each month around the same time. A few days in variation is ok, but anything more should raise a flag. Late or early for one cycle? This usually isn’t something to worry about. An uptick in stress levels is the culprit in many cases. My advice - see how the next cycle goes & if irregular again reach out to your provider. If it’s possible that you’re pregnant, of course take a test before waiting until your next predicted cycle.

2. Also pay attention to the variation in bleeding days, which should be fairly consistent. Swinging from one end to the other suggests hormone imbalance.

3. A women’s health doctor will usually ask about what you use (pads, tampons, cup, period underwear) + how often you’re needing to change. This question helps to screen for heavy bleeding. Curious yourself? Pad & tampon boxes approximate how much each holds, and most menstrual cups have measurement lines on them. 80 mL = about 5.5 tbsp.

4. PMS, whether breast tenderness, headaches, cramping, mood symptoms, is a sign of hormone imbalance. The good news is that it’s often a fairly simple fix with the help of a few lifestyle modifications + natural therapies.




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