
Expansive - effusive, free, open, communicative, all-embracing

This is a fave word of mine and one that’s been on the forefront of my mind. I tend to experience a shift toward this energy when excited about a new chapter or when tackling a passion project. It’s often felt as a spark, like a slight caffeine buzz that leaves me feeling light + energized. I’ve figured out that the feels are most likely to come when an experience is in alignment with my core values, needs + wants, or allows me to sit in a place of authenticity. All the good stuff, you know?

In the hopes of becoming more expanded from thinking + talking about expansiveness, some points to ponder -

  • How expansive have you been feeling lately?

  • In what moments do you feel that spark?

  • How can you incorporate more of those into your daily, or at least weekly routine?

  • Are there people, things, situations that are limiting your expansiveness?

  • What steps can you take to let go of those energy blockers?

Sending that arms stretched wide, all things are possible vibe to you!


Befriending Anxiety


Period Goals