Heavy Flows
Common causes of heavy periods + symptoms that can clue you in to each -
Endometriosis - severe period cramps, chronic pelvic pain, pain with intercourse, bloating, symptoms present since periods first started, family history of these symptoms and/or an endo diagnosis
Fibroids - pelvic pain, sensation of fullness/heaviness in lower abdomen
Clotting Disorder - bleeding is excessive/takes a while to stop when an injury occurs, bleeding gums, easy bruising
Thyroid Disease - hypo - weight gain, sluggishness, dry skin, constipation, low mood, easily chilled; hyper - weight loss, insomnia, racing heart, diarrhea, anxiety, excessive sweating *note: thyroid issues can cause all kinds of irregular periods - heavy, light, short, long, bleeding between
Copper IUD - bleeding + cramping worse after getting the IUD, symptoms resolve with removal
PCOS - irregular cycles, excessive hair growth, acne, weight gain, blood sugar issues
Other - adenomyosis (similar to endometriosis), hormone imbalances other than PCOS - estrogen dominance (high estrogen in relation to progesterone), perimenopause
Struggling with heavy periods? I’m here to help!