To Juice or Not to Juice?

The other day a patient asked about my thoughts on juicing. She’s a big fan of packing in the nutrients this way, but expressed concern about the impact on her blood sugar given that her most recent labs were within pre-diabetic range. Here’s what we chatted about:

It’s a quick + easy way to get a variety of nutrients in and diet > multivitamin

Without the fiber, juice can spike blood sugar. Carrots & beets are on the not so good list in this way (high glycemic), so should be used sparingly.

Options for a lower glycemic juice - celery, cucumber, green apple, parsley, kale, lemon, ginger

Though it’s typically best to reserve fruit for mid-meals where the body can focus on digesting just that (more on food combining to come), having juice with food can help to keep levels stable.

Smoothies can also negatively impact blood sugar, depending on what’s included; however, the fiber that’s kept around makes for less of a spike.

My bottom line: there’s no need to abandon juice, but it’s important to have awareness of the blood sugar effects + practice the good ‘ol everything in moderation approach.



Gut Feelings


Heavy Flows