Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a powerful healing tool that I’m grateful to have in my pocket. I typically recommend CST for those who are chronically stressed/anxious, those with a history of traumatic brain injuries, who have chronic headaches/migraines, and/or who struggle with neck/shoulder/back tension.
I particularly love how gentle this technique is. It involves simple holds of the head, neck, & low back. The goal is to help gently guide the body’s craniosacral rhythm back into balance. This rhythm is created by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which bathes the brain & the spinal cord and is tightly linked with the nervous system.
For the majority of the treatment you’ll be lying on your back on a massage table, hopefully feeling nothing but zen. Ideally you achieve full relaxation of the nervous system, which can in some cases result in a sleepy state. In a perfect world, you’d schedule this at the end of your day, or on your day off, so that you don’t have to dive back into work. If not possible, then plan a little extra time to slowly ease back into everyday life.
Given that this is a hands on therapy, I’m currently only offering this service to those located in Bend, Oregon. If you’re outside of the area and would like a local recommendation, feel free to reach out and I’ll do my best to connect you with someone!